9/30/2011 SPEED


Speed is one of the most important aspects of karate.

When you are training, you should always try as hard and fast as you can. Speed is dependent upon many things: muscular strength, flexibility, bending and stretching of the hips, and quick reflexes. These things can only be achieved through hard training.

Speed is power; basics that are built on speed will create strong, powerful fighting techniques. Speed will get the jump on your opponent-speed is what makes the difference in your fighting distance. When you are against a taller or faster opponent, speed is what makes the difference in hitting or being hit. When you are against a slower person you can beat them to the punch. If your punch is partially blocked and if there is enough speed on it, it can still get in for the hit.

The only way kicks will work is if they are fast enough. They should be felt before they are seen. Think of it this way: if you would take a bullet and throw it at someone it would bounce off, maybe hurts a little, but not do any damage. Then again, take the same bullet and shoot it from a gun. It would enter the body causing a lot of damage and probably kill. The only difference (the bullet is the same) is the speed in which it travels.

I remember one time I was sparring with my Sensei, Mr. Odaohara. Sensei Odaohara was lightning fast with perfect technique and great timing. I felt I was fighting pretty well that night, and I came in with a hard fast front kick. I really thought I was going to land it, but at the last second he adjusted his fighting distance and all of a sudden I was in his space, fully committed, and he landed a hard chudan zuki. The only way he was able to land his punch was due to his speed.  Being alert, calm, and ready to fight, that can also be called speed. A way to increase power is to take advantage of acceleration due to gravity. So when we are practicing moving basics, try to step quickly and put as much speed on your kicks and punches as possible. Think of every move and try as hard and as fast as you can all the time. Remember that you will fight like you train. This is the way of Kei Shin Kan karate.

See you in the dojo



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US Branch of Japan Keishinkan Karate