8/31/11 MO ICHI DAI


MO ICHI DAI {one more time}


By doing thousands of repetitions in basic karate movements, the body will grow tried and want to give up. But, the mind pushes and the body keeps going, at this point of complete exhaustion you bring out the Will Power we all have inside of us. You start doing natural and correct body movements, relaxed then hard; by forcing the body to keep going when it wants to give up is the way to true power. By being able to control your body and your feelings you will be able to focus on your opponent, on your strikes, on your kicks, CORRECT BREATHING, RELAX NATURAL MOVEMENTS, STRONG STANCE, WILLPOWER. At the right time, right place, Real Karate.

Hard training is necessary to built your confidence in your Karate, when you are not afraid you can really fight, and the only way not to be afraid is by training in basics. Repetition develops an inner calm that brings out your instinctive ability to counter any attacks.

So, when training at home remember do the kata ONE MORE TIME do another set of kicks and punches, THE WAY IS IN TRAINING.

So- grab the floor with your toes


Put strength in your legs


Pelvic up


Tighten your center


Shoulders down


Don’t hold your breath


Hai, chuden zuki


Mo ichi Dai

See you in the dojo

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US Branch of Japan Keishinkan Karate